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PRINCIPLES by OMA - Honorable Mention, XXVIII Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI



UniFor is pleased to announce that the international jury of the XXVIII Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI has awarded an Honorable Mention to the PRINCIPLES collection designed by the international architecture firm OMA. This collection is the result of the collaboration between two excellences, UniFor and OMA, fostering a continuous debate on the future of workplaces and social spaces.

"The collaboration between OMA and UniFor is a close one, which has led to the creation of a unique collection that responds to the culture of workspaces in the 21st century. [...] The result has successfully generated new ways of interacting and communicating within the office [...]."
(Rem Koolhaas, Partner, OMA)

"Collaborating with the OMA studio was important because it allowed us to move beyond the traditional ways of seeing space and evolve our manufacturing capabilities into a new area of thought, taste, and business. I strongly believe in this bold collection, which matches UniFor's enterprising personality."
(Ing. Carlo Molteni, Managing Director, UniFor)

The PRINCIPLES collection offers users complete flexibility in configuring and experiencing their spaces. These unique characteristics have allowed it to win the 2023 iF DESIGN AWARD Gold, be included in the ADI Design Index, and now receive an Honorable Mention at the XXVIII ADI Compasso d'Oro Award.

Established in 1954, the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award is the world's oldest award dedicated to design. Throughout its history, UniFor and its products have been repeatedly honored with this prestigious recognition. The first ADI Compasso d'Oro award was given to UniFor's coordinated image in 1994, followed by awards in 1998 for Move and Flipper, in 2004 for the Naòs System, and the 2011 Compasso d'Oro for Lifetime Achievement. The company also boasts numerous selections starting from 1970, when Modulo 3 designed by Bob Noorda and Franco Mirenzi was selected.

Published: June 20, 2024